Sonia Makoare

Sales Associate

0407 196 253


Born and bred in the Northern suburbs of Perth, Sonia has lived in Melbourne and Brisbane, but the sunshine, lifestyle and our beaches always brought her home.

She laughingly calls herself a ‘property tragic’, but she truly lives and breathes real estate! She loves renovating, with her greatest achievement an "Extreme Reno" she and her husband carried out on a badly vandalised duplex pair in a small goldfields town 239km from the nearest hardware store!

Since a little 2-bed villa in her 20’s, Sonia has personally bought and sold over 20 properties, (here and interstate; through other agents and privately; even some over the internet, sight unseen!), meaning she knows from experience what her clients need and want during the sales process.

Whether the family home or an investment rental - this will generally be your biggest asset so any decision surrounding it can be life-changing – you NEED an expert by your side looking out for you from start to finish, and beyond.

A Boutique Agent limiting how many listings she carries at any one time, Sonia ensures the needs of each individual Seller is catered for.

Attention to detail in marketing tailored to each property ensures multiple offers on almost every sale, translating to exceptional sales prices above and beyond expectations, and an enjoyable, stress-free experience for you.

The move to a Boutique Agency was a logical step, and with the backup of the Redmond Realty team, she is looking forward to adding your name to her list of happy clients.

"My goal is to make sure you are so impressed with the results I bring and my service to you, that you will recommend me to family, friends and colleagues when they have real estate needs. This is the biggest compliment you can give, and I aim to earn this every time! I look forward to working for you".
